Make Meals Even More Enjoyable With These Dining Chairs

You have the dining room table of your dreams picked out, now what? Well, you can’t fully enjoy a meal while standing up. So now, it’s time to search for more dining room furniture and choose the perfect dining chairs for you. Dining chairs come in many different types and styles, so it may be difficult to choose the perfect ones for your home. The two main types we will show today are armchairs and side chairs.

Obviously, your comfort is of utmost importance with this decision, so choose the option that feels right to you! Whichever you choose, our custom furniture is ideal for pulling together your dining room design and today, Merge Home will share a few pieces as well as interior design tricks.

Simple Dining Chair Guidelines

First things first, you can’t accurately choose dining chairs without first measuring your dining table. You would need to have a good idea of how large the table is, plus how many chairs you will need to seat all of your guests.

One basic seat guideline for rectangle tables is as follows:
  • 48″ long table: seats 4
  • 60″-72″ long table: seats 6
  • 80″-87″ long table: seats 8
  • 92″-108″ long table: seats 10
  • 120″ long table: seats 12
Circular tables:
  • 42″- 48″ diameter table: seats 4
  • 60″ diameter table: seats 6-8

With our interior design help and expertise, we will be able to help you entirely with this process of choosing custom furniture. However, it is important to have an idea of how small or large of a table you have in relation to how many chairs are needed. 

dining chairs

Space & Comfort

Another tip to keep in mind is the amount of comfort room. You don’t want to serve an amazing meal to guests who feel cramped while they are eating! Especially if you have a small space to put your dining room furniture, you want to allow the space to feel as open as possible.

This potentially could be solved by opting for chairs without arms like this “A La Carte” dining chair. We consider this piece to be a go-to for a wide variety of dining tables. The comfort level is unmatched with this piece, due to the linen fabric covering the entire chair. Its neutral color is best for matching with any dining set, and looking amazing in any home.

Whether you are dressing it up by hanging an extravagant lighting fixture above, or down by sticking to the classics, these dining chairs are sure to make your guests feel welcome. It is also great in that it is easy to be cleaned.

Don’t allow the light-colored pieces to steer you away out of worry! The timeless pieces can be quickly vacuumed to pick up any dust or crumbs, as well as using mild soaps to blot the cloth pieces. Your child’s chocolate-covered hands or your friend’s drink spill won’t be the end of the world as long as you are knowledgeable in the best tips! Your home is no museum, and you shouldn’t feel pressured to treat it as one. 

dining chairs

Maybe lighter fabrics aren’t your thing in general. That is perfectly okay because we have plenty more custom furniture options to choose from to help make your dining room complete! This “Beaumont Host chair” is serving its purpose of looking elegant and truly one-of-a-kind.

This piece is actually a part of our line that uses the concept of upcycling. We have brought vintage items to new life and offer these pieces to complete your traditional dining room design. Not only is this piece perfect to sit at your dining table, but it also is a great chair for sitting alone.

For homes with a little more space, it would be great to create a sitting area for guests. Maybe this spot could be utilized for pre-dinner wine, or just sitting and catching up with friends. Whatever the case may be, this chair gives a sophisticated look to your home and invites guests in. 

Your dining room doesn’t want to seem too “busy” in that your furniture and decor aren’t really going well together. One tip we have for you in the actual decorations of your dining room is to think practically! Everyone knows the best conversations happen over a meal, so if you serve guests in your dining room, this is an important part to consider when designing your home.

If you are going to have decorations sit on your dining table, make sure they are not too large. A large centerpiece would obstruct your guests’ viewpoint of the person across from them, and no one wants to talk through a bouquet of flowers.

Our ceramic vase would be ideal for adding a touch of color to your dining room furniture, especially the smaller ones. Keeping the simplistic look alive, while adding personality is a key interior design tip that is difficult to perfect sometimes. 

Looking For Dining Chairs? Call Us Today!

Let us be your helpers in picking out custom furniture for you! Want to know more about Merge Home? Our company is a top Interior Designer in Atlanta. We have tackled hundreds of design projects, from a local house in the suburbs to multi-million dollar indoor facilities & businesses across the nation – we can do it all!

We take pride in supplying our customers with an array of different options, including dining room furniture, that suits their personal style.

Give us a call today to get started on your next design project. Also, visit our West Midtown store to view our displays and see the beauty of our dining room furniture sets for yourself! Visiting our store is the best way to see our inventory, and what would look best for your home. We look forward to seeing you in our store soon and cannot wait to get started on putting our interior design skills towards designing your home!

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