Mobile device management | SolutioinBuilt

Mobile Device Management

Mobile Device Management

Going live with your app does not mark the end of a project. Choose SolutionBuilt for all of your Mobile device management needs!

SolutionBuilt Mobile Device Management (MDM) enables businesses to address challenges associated with mobile devices by taking complex issues and creating simplified, comprehensive, and user-friendly solutions without sacrificing security. Our solution provides the ability to quickly enroll devices in your enterprise environment, configure and update device settings over-the-air, enforce security policies and compliance, secure mobile access to corporate resources, and remotely lock and wipe managed devices.

SolutionBuilt can help our customers now to solve their current issues regarding MDM, and partner with them over time as their businesses grow and their requirements evolve.

Our maintenance retainer clients enjoy peace of mind knowing that our role continues beyond the launch of your app. From app maintenance and testing after launch, we’re here to ensure that your app stays up to date, and compatible with target devices and new operating systems as new technology is released.

Monthly Mobile Device Management Services

Maintenance Retainer clients receive industry-leading support for:

Design + Content




OS Compatibility




Some customers simply use our app maintenance as a way to update content on their app. Others need a platform to grow and automate their business. Regardless of your needs, you can rely on SolutionBuilt to keep your apps current and competitive to meet your target audience’s needs.

A maintenance retainer plan can also keep development costs down while providing you with budget certainty for app maintenance. If you have a special request or need an unplanned mobile development update, we can simply estimate against your maintenance plan hours or invoice for the overage as necessary.