
Closing the Loop with an After-Hours Answering Service like AVA 

In home health and hospice, after-hours tasks present unique obstacles. Healthcare providers must address urgent patient needs outside regular office hours while preventing staff burnout. Plus, inefficient management of after-hours tasks can lead to delays in care, increased stress on medical staff, and potential lapses in patient satisfaction. To provide high-quality patient care around the clock, it’s crucial to streamline after-hours communication. 

Luckily, this is where Automated Voice Assistants (AVA) come into play. AVA offers an advanced solution for after-hours answering services, providing seamless interaction between patients and healthcare providers. By automating routine tasks and delivering timely responses, AVA not only enhances patient care but also alleviates the pressure on medical staff, allowing them to focus more on the quality of patient care.

What is an After-Hours Answering Service?

An after-hours medical answering service is a specialized communication system designed to handle patient calls and questions when healthcare offices are normally closed. These services allow patients to access medical information, report urgent concerns, and receive necessary support outside regular business hours. 

For post-acute providers, an after-hours answering service can be critical for patients who often require immediate attention for post-surgical issues, pain management, medication adjustments, or other time-sensitive health difficulties. With Automated Voice Assistants (AVA), patients receive prompt, accurate, and compassionate responses, reducing the risk of missed or delayed communications and supporting the well-being of both patients and on-call medical staff.

Key Benefits of Automated Voice Assistants:

Automated voice assistants offer a modern solution to the communication challenges faced by traditional medical answering services. When healthcare providers embrace this after-hours answering service model, they can create a more responsive and efficient communication system, transforming patient interactions and setting a new standard for healthcare excellence.  

Patient Self-Selection
Automated Voice Assistants (AVA) empower patients by helping them quickly assess the urgency of their medical needs. AVA guides patients through a series of prompts, allowing them to determine whether their concern requires urgent clinical care, nonurgent clinical care, or if it can wait until regular office hours. This self-selection process ensures urgent situations are prioritized while non-urgent matters are directed for appropriate follow-up, maximizing healthcare resources and reducing unnecessary interruptions for medical staff.

Reduction in On-Call Staff Workload
Implementing AVA has been shown to significantly reduce the number of calls routed to on-call staff, with some organizations experiencing up to a 50% decrease in call volume for on-call staff. This reduction directly impacts staff well-being, as fewer after-hours calls lead to lower stress levels and higher job satisfaction. By minimizing the burden on on-call staff, AVA promotes a healthier work-life balance, which is important for sustaining high-quality patient care.

Ease of Use for Physicians and On-Call Staff
AVA is designed with a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of handling patient calls and messages. Physicians and on-call staff don’t need to log into apps or portals, as AVA manages communications securely, efficiently, and remotely with just their phone. The automated system integrates seamlessly with existing workflows. This allows healthcare professionals to focus on patient care rather than navigating complex technology, making it a practical tool in high-pressure situations.

Automatic Alerts and Follow-Up Reminders
To ensure no patient message is overlooked, AVA provides automatic alerts and follow-up reminders. This feature is crucial in maintaining continuity of care, as it prompts timely follow-ups, which are key to improving patient outcomes and satisfaction. With AVA, healthcare providers can be confident that all patient concerns are addressed promptly, reducing the risk of missed or delayed responses.

Customizable Workflows and Protocols
One of the standout features of AVA is its ability to be customized to fit an organization’s specific needs. Healthcare providers can tailor the system’s workflows and protocols to align with their operational requirements, ensuring that AVA functions optimally within their existing framework. This customization is fast, easy, and allows for a more personalized and efficient approach to after-hours patient care, enhancing overall service quality.

Directing Urgent Calls to Live Agents
While AVA handles a significant portion of after-hours communications, it can also be configured to identify complex or nuanced issues that require human intervention. In such cases, AVA can route urgent calls to live agents for immediate assistance. This hybrid approach combines the efficiency of automation with the empathy and expertise of human responders. It creates a comprehensive solution that allows all patient needs to be met promptly and appropriately.

Implementing AVA into Your After-Hours Answering Service

Set Up
Implementing Automated Voice Assistants (AVA) in healthcare begins with a clear setup process. Start by integrating AVA with your existing phone and communication systems, ensuring compatibility and seamless operation. Next, configure the system according to your organization’s needs. 

Customizing Workflows
Customization is key to ensuring AVA aligns with your organization’s specific protocols and patient needs. Begin by analyzing your current after-hours workflows and identifying areas where AVA can improve workflow. Then, tailor the system’s prompts, responses, and escalation processes to match your protocols. For instance, you might customize AVA to prioritize orthopedic post-surgical calls to connect with the on-call clinician right away while transcribing and emailing medication refill requests to non-clinical staff to handle the next day. These customizations help streamline after-hours communication to meet patient needs correctly.

Monitoring and Adjusting
After implementation, it’s important to continuously monitor the performance of AVA. Regularly review system metrics, such as call resolution times, patient satisfaction scores, and the volume of escalated calls to live agents. These metrics provide valuable insights into how well AVA is managing after-hours tasks and where adjustments may be needed. Use the data to fine-tune the system, making necessary adjustments to workflows or adding new prompts based on evolving patient needs. With this strategy, AVA will remain an effective tool for improving after-hours patient care and reducing staff workload.

Need an After-Hours Answering Service? CareXM Can Help.

Implementing CareXM’s Automated Voice Assistant (AVA) into your after-hours medical answering service offers a range of transformative benefits. Adopting advanced after-hours answering services like AVA is essential for any healthcare provider looking to maintain high-quality patient care around the clock. The challenges of after-hours communication can be daunting, but with a solution like AVA, you can ensure that your patients receive fast and appropriate responses without overwhelming your staff. 

CareXM is the ideal partner for healthcare organizations seeking to close the loop on after-hours tasks and communications. With a proven track record in delivering innovative, efficient, and customizable telehealth solutions, CareXM empowers you to provide exceptional care even after-hours. Consider implementing AVA today to elevate your after-hours answering service and meet your patients’ needs with the highest standard of care. 

Don’t wait until the phones can’t stop ringing–choose CareXM today! 

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