Medical Answering Services

Hospital Lobby | MyOffice | TeleMed Inc.

MyOffice service was designed as a solution to manage your often overwhelming medical practice needs during office hours.

Doctor on iPad | PatientPortal | TeleMed Inc.

PatientPortal provides you with the means of increasing direct connectivity with your patients when they are not immediately in front of you in the office.

Nurse walking down hospital hallway | MyService | TeleMed Inc.

MyService is TeleMed’s after-hours medical answering service product that is tailor-made to fit your system based upon your pre-given instructions.

Doctor working on laptop | MyTeleMed | TeleMed Inc.

MyTeleMed is the secure, HIPAA compliant web-portal product that comes complimentary with the use of any of our other products.

Doctor holding stethoscope | IntraOffice | TeleMed Inc.

TeleMed’s IntraOffice product is a secure method of sending direct text-formatted messages to any member of your practice via our web-based program MyTeleMed.


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