Advantages Of A Secure Physician Answering Service

medical answering services

With TeleMed, a secure physician answering service there is no need to compromise patient confidentiality by screening your calls. Our staff of licensed physicians and registered nurses are here to help with all your medical messages. We are HIPAA compliant and offer 24-hour on-call service and after-hours answering services. Schedule an appointment today with our live operators. You already know that physicians need a secure physician answering service. You may not yet know all the advantages your practice will receive from partnering with TeleMed.

24-Hour Support

When looking for a medical answering service, you need to find one with the right features and services. One of the most important things to look for is 24/7 support. If it’s after hours and someone needs to be contacted, they should be able to get in touch with someone right away. Many medical practices are open during regular business hours. However, emergencies happen at all hours of the day and night. A secure physician answering service offers 24/7 support for your patients who may have an urgent matter that cannot wait until the next day to be addressed by your office staff.

After Hours Answering

In addition to providing 24-hour support, a secure physician answering service also offers after-hours answering services. This will allow your patients to reach a live operator any time they need assistance outside of normal work hours. This is especially helpful if your practice has evening or weekend hours and you want to ensure that your patients can still get help when they have an urgent need to contact their doctors and cannot wait until regular business hours. The TeleMed medical answering service staff will be available 24/7 and can easily handle these types of calls.

Appointment Scheduling

A busy medical practice often has many patients who need to schedule appointments. It can be difficult for a doctor to handle all of these requests with his or her own staff, especially when he or she has other duties to attend to. A good professional answering service can handle this task, so they do not have to devote time away from other tasks during their day.

Medical Message Management

Physicians are often busy with patients, so it is important that they receive reliable and prompt communication from other providers in their offices. A secure physician answering service gives them access to messages from all departments, including scheduling, billing, and insurance inquiries. The messages are filtered by priority so that only the most important ones reach your physician’s desk. This allows physicians to spend more time with patients instead of trying to catch up on paperwork and phone calls.

HIPAA Compliant Answering Service

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires that all medical offices maintain strict patient privacy standards. Suppose a medical office uses an unsecured answering service or voice mail system. In that case, anyone with access to those systems can potentially listen in on private conversations between doctors and patients. A HIPAA-compliant physician answering service ensures that this does not happen by using encryption technology and password protection protocols that protect sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands.

Safe Communications

Telemedicine can increase security by allowing patients to communicate with doctors through video conferencing systems or phone lines that cannot be hacked easily. In addition, a secure physician answering service ensures that all communications are encrypted, so that patient information remains safe from hackers who attempt to gain access by hacking into phone lines or video feeds.

Calendar Management

A physician’s calendar is an important element of their practice and must be managed effectively. A secure medical answering service allows you to manage your schedule and answer calls when unavailable. The service will take messages for you, which means you do not need to try and remember who called, when, or why.

Reduced Administration Workflow

A secure medical answering service can also help reduce administration workload by providing an automated system that allows patients to make appointments online or over the phone. This means that there will be less paperwork for you to do and less time spent on administrative work such as filing paperwork and making sure everything is in order.

Physician Answering Service

The TeleMed Solution

When you are a physician, you must handle many things independently. You have to treat patients, manage administrative work, and manage your time. This is why you need to find ways to help you make life easier as a doctor and for your medical practice. One option you can try is setting up a secure physician answering service for your practice.

While there have been great strides in the communication and technology arenas, the healthcare system often still relies on traditional methods. These facts don’t make the task of managing a practice any easier. To make it easier, medical management software has come onto the scene in recent years. For a business to thrive, it must remain competitive. Several perks are associated with our TeleMed solution designed specifically for medical answering services.

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